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Becoming a Woman

Disclaimer: In the name of full transparency, please be aware that this blog post contains affiliate links and any purchases made through such links will result in a small commission for me (at no extra cost for you).

Every time I play a board game with my child...
Every time I reach out for prayer...
Every time I make a chicken pot pie...
Every time I send a thank you card...

...I remember the woman who introduced me to that skill or lesson...and I smile. I have been made a stronger, deeper woman because of those women that have poured their love and life into me.

In one of my favorite books, Wild at Heart, John Eldredge explains how femininity cannot bestow masculinity. A young man without a father cannot grow to be a man just by watching mom or grandmom. A young man can only become a man by watching and learning from other men--whether it's a biological father, family member, or mentor. 

In the same way, I believe that femininity cannot be bestowed by masculinity. No matter how much my daddy loved me and my professors and male pastors spoke into my life, my inner sense of worth and confidence in being a woman has come mostly from other women. Sadly, it's only in the past 8 years or so (because of issues with my own mom) that I've really allowed women to start speaking into my life without becoming offended. And I am hurrying to make up for lost time! 

Tenderness, mercy, strength, confidence, love, sacrifice, creativity, balance, beauty, purity, encouragement--all received not from my husband or pastor, but from amazing women mentors, surrogate moms, and dear friends and sisters--both Christian and non-Christian, young and old. 

May you find your place among a strong and encouraging group of women who will change you into the woman you've always wanted to be!

My favorite books on this topic:


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