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About Me

I am a life-long learner (my husband calls me a nerd), an extroverted introvert, a hopeless romantic, a Feng shui enthusiast, an amateur yogi, and a food lover. 

I'm a homeschooling mom, a small-business co-owner, and a writer of articles and books yet to be published. 

I am the only daughter of my Latino mom and the youngest daughter of my Latino dad. I was born in the city, grew up in the suburbs, but prefer to spend my time in the great outdoors. I can salsa dance and sing along to Johnny Cash at the same time. 

I am wife to my best friend, who is my opposite in so many ways. In fact, we can count on one hand the things we have in common (our love of Indian food, our love of dogs, our love of hot tubs, our love of kids and young people, and our love of hospitality).

And I am a Christian. Jesus is the common thread woven through all my experiences and stories and the beautiful filter through which I see myself and others. 



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